Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, another year has come and I have started my Weight Watchers Diet once again....

I just hope that I can stick to it this time. I have a LONG way to go to get to my goal, but right now I'm focussing on small victories! I'm looking forward to loosing my first 20lbs. (which will almost get me back down to my pre-pregnancy weight!!!). After that I'll be waiting until I hit 40lbs!!! And so on and so forth.

I have started a food journal and weightloss chart and progress chart on my computer. I would post them if I knew how and had the guts to let people know what I actually weigh, but I don't think that will happen.

I'm done day 3 now and I'm still feeling good. Need to get a copy of Turbo Jam from Allie... looks like a really good workout. I have started Moving Mommies at the Aquatic Centre on Wed. for 6 weeks. Today was the first day. It was really fun, and Zach seemed to enjoy himself and also get completely confused as to why there were so many people in the pool jumping around to music... hahaha it was really cute.

1 comment:

MamiD said...

It's great to see you on your blog :P.. This is from my weightloss blog :P. I will probably comment on either or whichever one I am on hahaha. You will do great hun. I am here for support. WE CAN DO THIS :D.I believe I have a DVD here so i will give it a try and burn it tonight :P. Luv ya XoXo


P.S-Need to show ya the cool site to change backgrounds :P