Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So I'm really good at keeping on top of this blog thing aren't I? hahaha over a year without a post.

And when I'm back to post again... guess what... just started the diet again! LMAO

Actually it's been a week, and so far so good. I've lost 5 pounds by loosely sticking to Weight Watchers. I have a new strategy this time... I think it might have finally sunk in that what I've been doing hasn't and will never work. My new strategy is to think about why I want to eat things. I know.. sounds simple enough... but my problem has and always will be stress/emotional eating. Or another favorite of mine... boredom eating.

Since opening the daycare I don't have a problem with boredom eating anymore.... I'm too busy all the time to be bored. But every time I get stressed or emotional and go to the refrigerator, I stop and say to myself "why do I want to eat", and when I don't have a legit reason... like "I'm hungry", then I think about how guilty I will feel about ruining my weight loss for a very short good feeling (that basically lasts for as long as I"m stuffing my face... :S

So far this week it was worked well for me. I've even had a glass of water instead of food a couple of times. I have had my slip-ups... but that's another new thing this time around for me... I'm not beating myself up over them. I just say to myself "Oh well... tomorrow is a new day".

Here's hoping that I can stick to this blog so that I have a record of my "Weightloss Journey"... no it's NOT a lifestyle change... it's a lifestyle challenge!!!

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